Twenty Flight Rock
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:51 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
N. Fairchild / E. Cochran
File Size
28 KB
Ooh, well, I got a girl with a re-cord ma-chine.
When it comes to rock-in', she's a queen.
We love to dance on a Sa-tur-day night,
all a-lone where i can hold her tight.
But she lives on the twen-tie-th floor up-town.
The el-e-va-tor's bro-ken down.
So, I walk one, two flight, three flight, four,
five, six, se-ven flight, eight flight, more.
Up on the twelfth I'm start-in' to drag.
Fif-teenth a-floor I'm a-read-y to sag.
Get to the top. I'm too tir-ed to rock.
Well, she calls me up on the telephone
say, come on over honey, i'm all alone
i said, baby you're mighty sweet
but i'm in bed with the achin' feet
this went on for a couple of days
but i couldn't stay away
well they sent to chicago for repairs
till it's a-fixed i'm a-usin' the stairs
hope they hurry up before it's too late
want my baby too much to wait
all this climbin' is a-gettin' me down
they'll find my corpse draped over a rail
but i climbed one, two flight, three flight four